Welcome to another blurb, I’m outside hunting for the raw labradorite a magical gemstone a magical crystal that’s been used throughout history for its properties of healing enhancing meditation and amplifying magic itself. There’s one right now I caught a raw labradorite it’s a stone of magic, a stone of power, a stone of warding and protection and it really knows how to party blue is awesome everyone likes blue what you don’t like blue well that’s your fault anyway my friend just gave me the middle finger.
Properties & Significance
Raw labradorite stone is a magical crystal of beautiful colors it represents all the colors of the rainbow part of its magic is its connection to all the chakras in the human body. It is a crystal that has been used throughout the ages as a magical energy source since labradorite shines with so many different colors it easily catches people’s eyes, each crystal finds its owner not the other way around it looks at you and goes and you can’t resist this is why people really into the metaphysical arts adore this crystal and you should adore the crystal too because ancient lore says that the raw labradorite is actually the frozen light and fires of the aurora borealis also known as the Northern Lights so when should you use this wondrous crystal in your life simple when you need a spark of magic this crystal once it’s charged and cleansed and bound to you can be useful for such needs for example if you need more positivity in your life then this crystal can help by repelling negative energies through distraction. If you need something wonderful to come your way that can make you more attractive to such things it is a mysterious stone of attraction and distraction that’s how its magic works.
Magical property of labradorite is its amplification properties labradorite enhances any type of crystal that it’s around for instance say you have a tiger eye and you’re using it to repel negativity or be creative labradorite enhances that crystals properties because that other crystal your tiger eye is also attracted to the labradorite remember attraction and distraction but in layman’s terms that just means that labradorite is a crystal.
labradorite is helpful even if you just carry it with you it amplifies your energies it uses its own magical beauty to make you radiate as long as you have good intentions and positivity flowing through you then labradorite is going to look at you and go hey man or lady you kind of rock and because you rock I’m going to amplify that and just start making magic happen for you labradorite is your friend whoa that sounded kind of creepy anyway labradorite also can amplify meditation hold one while you meditate allow its radiance and allow its power to amplify your calm and your focus on your now moment.
we draw a conclusion to this special on labradorite crystals mainly because we’ve run out of money in our budget but also light worker what will you do now that you have this knowledge of the raw labradorite you should go out and get one use it for good and positivity draw on its beauty of attraction and distraction and for reading this article. If anyone would like one of my pieces of labradorite feel free to contact us.