Are you looking for fun games you and your partner can enjoy together? Worry not, for there are many fun games you can try out that are guaranteed to have the day or night end in laughter. There are many types of games, from truth or dare and board games to card and drinking games.
Depending on what you and your partner enjoy, you can find something you both enjoy. We know there are many exciting digital methods of entertainment, like playing co-op video games or at casinos online. However, this article looks at some physical games you can enjoy with your significant other.
Why Are Games Important?
When you’re in a relationship, it’s essential to keep that relationship active and healthy. Daily life can get overwhelming, and it’s easy to get lost in the flow of your daily routine. Research studies have shown that playing is crucial for relationships, as it rejuvenates the relationship and instigates communication.
When you’re playing, hormones like endorphins and oxytocin get released. These hormones interact with your pleasure and pain receptors and encourage positive feelings. It’s a great way to turn your mood around if you have a difficult day and to facilitate a connection between you and your significant other.
Games are a fun way to create a moment for just you and your partner during an otherwise busy day or week. It doesn’t have to take up hours of your time, and it helps you spend time together in a fun way. The hormones released during play also lift your mood and can lead to you and your significant other becoming more open and engaging in deeper conversations.
Developing and Growing Through Games
Not only are games essential to facilitate connection and communication between couples, but it also helps you learn more about your partner. Just like children develop and grow through educational games, adults can do the same.
Playing a game allows you to learn new things about your partner and have fun doing so. How they solve a game problem can indicate how they’ll tackle a real-life situation. If they lose a game they’re invested in, it can show how they’d react to an actual loss.
Top Three Games for Couples
While there are hundreds of games for couples to enjoy together, from video games to board games, we looked at some familiar, fun couples games for you to enjoy with your partner. These games are available on Amazon, at most entertainment stores, or can be created at home.
Swapping 21 Questions
The game of 21 Questions is a common one that people play if they want to start getting to know one another. It’s often seen on first dates and between new friends as they traverse the start of a new relationship. It trades off between each person asking a question in turns, and all questions must be answered truthfully.
When you’ve been in a relationship for a long time, you probably believe the game of 21 Questions to be redundant. You know everything there’s to know about your significant other, right? However, this game is a great way to dig deep and think about things you don’t know about your significant other. Another way to play it, especially if your relationship has stagnated, is to swap your 21 questions.
Write down 21 questions that you want your partner to ask you on small pieces of paper. You then proceed to exchange your 21 questions with your partner’s questions and start the game by taking turns asking the questions. It’s a great way to connect on a deeper level and a safe space to talk about things that have been bothering you or that you couldn’t find a good time to talk about.
Truth or Dare Topple Tower
Two fun games around for decades are Truth or Dare and Jenga. Both games are often played between friends and family to have a great time. Now, you can play both together and have a romantic date night.
Truth or Dare Topple Tower is a couples’ Jenga game with different questions or dares on the Jenga blocks. You can challenge your significant other to see who can stack the Jenga tower the highest while still having several laughs at the dares and fun conversations sparked by the questions.
If you have a regular Jenga set at home, you can make your own couples game. Simply have each person write several dares and questions on small pieces of paper and throw them together in a bowl. Each time you successfully remove a Jenga piece, you pull a paper from the bowl and see what you get.
Another classic that has been enjoyed by friends and family, but is also perfect for couples, is Twister. Twister is a relatively simple game using a plastic mat with circles of different colours. You spin the wheel to see which limb you need to place on which colour.
It quickly becomes complicated as you need to navigate around the other person on the mat and twist into odd shapes to get your right hand on that yellow circle or your left foot on that blue circle. However, this makes it fun, and you can have many laughs as you get tangled up with your partner.
Spice up Your Day
Playing games together is essential to any relationship to keep it active and healthy. A stagnant relationship is more likely to fail, and everyone needs some excitement in their lives. Not only are games a good way to keep that excitement alive, but it encourages one-on-one interaction and bonding between you and your significant other. Try out our top three games and find others you and your partner can enjoy.g