Are you wondering why your online course is not doing well in terms of sales, even when you have put in all the effort? You have unique topics to discuss in your course, your content is on-point, and you have put interesting and engaging assignments for learners in your topic. Yet, your course is not getting views and sales as per the expectations, It may be because you are not following the right selling strategies, and it’s ok you are a teacher, not a marketing agent who would know how to sell online courses. However, you can learn some tips and tricks that might help you make your online course reach more learners and help both you and the students.
And in this article, we are going to enlist some of the ways through which you can increase the sale of your online course. So hop on, and keep reading.
Customer Mentality: Yes we know you have put your blood and sweat into creating the online course and for you it’s perfect. However, you are not the only one who has created and sold the course online. There are thousands of courses with similar topics as yours, and when students are searching for the courses they do come across those courses. Now, what you can do to attract students to your course is understand their thinking and their learning needs. For this, you need to ask yourself some questions as a customer and keep yourself in the student’s place. Then ask these questions to yourself, is my course offering something that other courses don’t have? Is the topic I have chosen useful? Is my course answering the questions of students? If the majority of your answers are no, then you need to make some changes in your course. And if the answer is yes, let’s move to the next point to check how to solve the problem of fewer sales.
Show The Proof Of Reliability: If the answers of most of the above stated were yes, and your course is still struggling to get sales, then you need to add credibility to it. Today it’s the trend to follow the trends, everyone wants the best, same goes for the students, they want the best courses to learn from. While in the search for their best courses, they also see and consider the reviews of other students regarding the course. If other students are given positive reviews of that course, then it’s likely that students may buy the course. This is word mouth-marketing, you can advertise your course like this too. To do so add the testimonials and recommendations of your former and current students in your course as proof of credibility and reliability.
Send Some Freebies: Everyone loves free things, right, you love them too. And students love them even more. Most school or college students live on pocket money and part-time jobs, in such cases they get little savings to spend on some pricey online course. However, if you provide some freebies or free learning content along with your course then they might consider buying your course. You can give free digital templates, some tips for your career, give them insights into the course, and additional downloadable content like starting a few chapters of the course.
Take Help Of Social Media: Today every other teenager is on social media, you can use it as leverage to increase your sales. How? By creating a good social media strategy, a good social media strategy can do wonders if applied carefully. Before this does the research, know who your target audience is and on which social media you can find them, also know your content, and what kind of promotions will do good; is text promotion, infographics, videos or email marketing. After that connect with your audience on social media and inform them about your course through it.
Select A Good Selling Platform: There is various online courses platform that help you to sell online courses from your own website, you need to select the one which provides the best course selling services at an affordable price. So do your research thoroughly, once you get a good platform it will help you increase your sales.