Health and safety are not always a priority but they are always a determinant. When these two factors are violated, a line of sanctions will queue up to visit. And they can cause a lot of problems, from the mildest such as fines to the shutdown of companies. If you are the leader of a large company or organization, you will definitely be overwhelmed with health and safety issues if you don’t get help. In today’s perspective, you need EHS software solutions such as those created by Nimonik Inc.
Again, unfortunately, there isn’t much you can get to oversee all health and safety-related sectors. The point is that not many are qualified. You may be able to hire a group of paramedics and safety experts to do routine inspections but it is unlikely to be effective unless you spend more money.
You need something automatic, comprehensive, and highly change-compatible. If that “something” is combined with supporting physical staff, you have a “tremendous weapon.” And for information, Health and Safety are never really separated from the Environment. So Environment, Health, and Safety are one unit.
We mean EHS software to significantly reduce human errors. This is a kind of digital assistant with so much data that is certainly far more complete than the human brain can accommodate!
With the right EHS software, you can maintain legal compliance related to EHS so that the risk of violations can be minimized to the maximum. We know that every EHS breach may bring consequences never before imagined. Management of legal compliance often involves a lot of documents such as photographs, agreements, and a series of security checks. Losing files is an “acceptable risk” but of course, you can’t accept that because any mistake can make your business worse. You don’t want that!
You need an EHS solution created by Nimonik!
Nimonik is the world’s leading developer of EHS solutions. Henceforth we can call the EHS software developer because the EHS solution in question is a solution in software form.
Nimonik’s EHS Software is a digital system that manages liability and compliance with laws, regulations, and industry/organizational standards related to/affecting the three elements of Environment, Health, and Safety.
This software has a very complete database, covering thousands of liability items, and they are all integrated with internal obligations. Implementation of compliance with these obligations is very effective if assisted by software that is able to detect automatically when there is a violation, minimizing any expensive surprises that may occur in the future.
There are 400 jurisdictions served by Nimonik and by implementing this software in your company’s compliance management, you will be able to:
– Manage external obligations while adjusting them to your company’s internal obligations which are usually in the form of permits, contracts that have not been signed and will be signed, as well as general and special procedures.
– Keep track of changes to laws, regulations, and industry standards, which usually occur every few years. This tracking is not possible if a company is still using “conventional methods”.
– Plan company actions so as not to violate applicable laws, regulations, and standards.
In fact, with Nimonik you can access tons of checkout templates or create your own. Compliance audits can be carried out via mobile phones even if there is no Internet network it can still be carried out.
Compliance with EHS-related obligations is non-negotiable and when it comes to making it happen in a systematic manner, Nimonik is able to provide a reliable integrated solution. Hopefully, this short post was useful.